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Digital Enterprise Voucher Scheme
We are delighted to be a supplier for the Digital Enterprise voucher scheme which helps businesses grow and develop their digital capability through funding.

Glossary of Printing Terms
Printing professionals, use terminology which you may not be familiar with. So, we thought it’d be useful to provide a glossary of some of the most common printing terms and phrases.

Registering for Google My Business
Google My Business (GMB) is a valuable method for promoting your business online. It’s free and will help your website’s position in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). It also shows potential customers that you’re a legitimate business.

How to find your domain’s DNS host
Who is this article for? To make changes to your domain name, ie to point it to a website or configure it…

Setting up email on your devices
This article explains what you need to do to get email working on your computer, phone or tablet.

Adding DNS records to your domain to start receiving emails
This article describes the process of adding DNS records to your domain, so you can pick up email which is hosted by CANdo